Review of the AITS Reference Architecture
Craig Thompson
Object Services and Consulting,
17 November 1997
Attached are my comments on the DARPA/ISO Advanced Information Technology
Services Reference Architecture, Teknowledge Federal Systems (version:
20 October 1997).
General comments
There is a lot of good material in the document, arranged reasonably.
Still, a careful pass will make sure it is presented in the clearest manner.
Several of my comments suggest potential presentation improvements.
The document is two things - a reference architecture concatenated with
programmatic information on evolving status, issues, and next steps.
It might be better to separate these two more clearly and put the programmatic
material in an appendix.
I am not altogether sure you have a totally clear idea of what a reference
architecture is for -- sometimes the story is lost in the attempt to include
so much.
Using the OMG OMA RA
as a model, their high level OMA RA provides an architecture into which
categories of kinds of components fit. Then other subarchitectures
(e.g., Object Services Architecture, Common Facilities Architecture, Domain
Objects architecture -- separate documents) define and populate the parts.
Also, as OMG moves from descriptions to specifications, it replaces or
adds to sections of the RA a specific mention of the subarchitecture documents
and the specifications that populate the RA. AITS RA should be similarly
expandable with URLs in future versions to point to specifications (and
possibly implementations) of AITS components.
The Reference Model on
OODBs (100 page .ps document) might be useful for some sample words
about design spaces.
You might also need an appendix on architecture or at least an inline paragraph-long
description of what a reference architecture is supposed to be for.
You need an appendex for Glossary terms and another for Acronyms.
Define terms like {application, technical, functional} architectures, end-to-end,
seamless, interoperable, many more}.
The AITS RA still raises JTF to a prominent, if historical, position.
I think you will get more buy-in from other programs if you remove the
bias. Just mention JTF as yet another architecture in Section 4.
Diminish or remove the historical lineage.
Comments by section
Section 1
I like the general flow from Vision 2010 and ABIS to AITS but I wonder
if the somewhat detailed descriptions of the architecures can become part
of section 2, where they are again covered. It seems to me the first
section of the AITS RA should be about the RA directly, e.g.,
Purpose of the AITS RA - to provide DoD with a modular, evolvable,
affordable software architecture that allows the end-to-end integration
of command and control, intelligence, battlefield planning, situation assessment,
crisis management (elaborate). [Includes section 1.5 AITS vision.]
Motivation - the Vision 2010 and ABIS story briefly, industry changes
like OMG and the web, DoD changes and needs, DARPA's role (1.6)
Who should read this RA
DoD customers - to understand the approach DARPA is taking ...
DARPA PMs and PIs - to understand the target architecture and help populate
it and improve on it
industry partners and open systems standards groups - since some DoD technology
will be useful to much broader communities
Organization of this document
Section 2
I feel we keep switching levels and organization in this section.
The purpose of the section is (should be) to introduce the High Level
Architecture for AITS. A better arrangement of parts might be:
Combine 2.1, 2.11, 2.2, 2.2.1, 2.8 into a subsection on High Level Architecture
for AITS (the core of the Reference Architecture). Keep
this view simple and try to get Figure 2.1 onto the first or second page.
Then have a section on Views of the Architecture. Say that
the views provide important abstractions and they must all map to the evolving
AITS architecture in a consistent manner. Include:
views showing the relationship to existing architectures. AITS ties
these together. Say how.
JV2010 - notional views that motivate AITS
ABIS views - application view that shows what joint services need
side comment - the different layers of ABIS always seem somewhat arbitrary
to me. Why Universal Transaction Services, for instance?
DII COE view - evolving COTS and standards based infrastructure floor for
DoD open systems technology choices
OMG OMA view - how AITS relates to open systems componentware
views of subareas of the AITS architecture (these and maybe more)
application views - JTF, Genoa, ALP, ... - these are covered in more detail
in section 4
domain-specific vertical generic view
platform, generic services view
ilities view (see next paragraph)
security view
system management view
federation view
Might want a separate section parallel to views on Architectural Properties
(the same as the ilities view just above). Include OMG
like principles as well as a description of desirable ilities - see
Rich Ivanetich's HLA for AITS as a start as well as my
comments on that presentation.. 2.4 does this to some extent.
OMG OMA needs work in this area as I point out in OMA-NG.
System management and Security & Availability are not the only global
properties -- what about evolvability, afforability, scalability, survivability,
Some specific comments
DSSAs (2.6) is not well differentiated from OMG. If it is included
as architectural heritage, then remove the description to a chapter on
historical progenitors. If it adds specific value (which it might)
then say what it adds to AITS that OMG OMA does not.
DICAM (2.6.1) - same comment
Information Logistics Framework (2.6.2) - same comment
OO Application Frameworks (2.7) - amazingly, the current OMG
OMA RM has 3 pages out of 7 on frameworks but there is no real common
definition of the term in OMG. So AITS is forging new ground here.
Must say more about what sort of framework you mean. Highly overloaded
Section 3
Section Introduction
Overall I like the structure of this chapter into some partitioning of
AITS and subdivisions of the partition with descriptions of each.
3.1 - remove Figure 3.1's historical status view of AITS -- thats not the
way to start the section. See comments above and below on why (it
stresses JTF, diminishes others)
you might want to move 3.2 and 3.3 into section 2's HLA for AITS.
Or start this section with them. You need to connect Figure 2-1,
3-2, and 3.3 so it is easy to see how the three relate to each other.
move text in 3.2 on "Principal high level objectives" to section 2 discussion
of Architectural Properties
reconsider if you mean Layer in section 3.2 or partition. Layer gives
the sense that things in that layer depend on those in lower layers.
But User Environments might be independent of many other layers.
One is striving for maximum independence of parts in a component architecture
(good separation of concerns).
The rest of the section is a detailed reference model of each section of
the architecture shown in Figure 3-3, organized by subsection and subsubsection.
This is generally a good organization. However I might quibble
with many, many details. I like the diagram but foilology is
creeping in replacing architecture in some places. Here are just
some questions that came to my mind when I read this section. This
section is where the rubber hits the road in componentizing AITS.
Its really the most important section to get right and the hardest.
Object Management is in one partition, Core Services in another (but they
are OO oriented), System Management in another (is it OO?, probably)
Some places, there seems to be an overcommitment to detail in this diagram,
for instance
all the boxes having to do with System Management and similarly Availability
and Security.
Why are Data Server and Query Server in different partitions?
Why put the OMG security service in a different box than Availability and
I still do not like the word *-server for * = {Map, Situation, Plan, Trigger,
...}. It is needlessly misleading. Replace with service.
Security and Systems Management seems to sneak into a lot of separate descriptions.
Why not all other ilities as well? The are all meta architecture
properties that cut across services.
Some servers, like Pedigree, Trigger, and Logging might be OMG services
or building blocks. Others, like Workflow, might be OMG common facilities
that are compositions of services.
I get the feeling that Information Logistics Services and Agents are just
concatenated in with the rest. It might not be clear to me as an
AITS designer when to use objects and when to use agents.
Section 4
This section should be about showing how the AITS architecture relates
to nearby architectures, especially the application architectures for JTF,
JFACC, ALP, Genoa, etc. Say more in the section introduction about
the purpose of the section. This is an important section.
[AITS architecture is a specialization of the OMG OMA architecture -- say
more about what this means. AITS depends on DII COE -- say more about
what this means. I think these architectural relationships should
have been covered in Section 2 and should be removed from this section,
which should then just focus on application architectures which are specializations
of AITS.]
JTF, Genoa, BADD, ... are all further specializations of AITS. -- You have
done good work on showing an AITS architecture and its relationship
to many of these application architectures. More work along this
line is needed (as you indicate).
This section should not be primarily about the contributions made
by the various architectures JTF, Genoa, ... but rather about the relationships
of these architectures, how you subset or tailor AITS to get each.
The division into 4.1 Current and 4.2 Upcoming is not right for the Reference
Architecture since all application architectures are more or less mature
or immature -- rather, mention all application programs at the same level
-- just say in each subsection when the relationship is not yet determined
(those in 4.2).
Fitting ALP in seems like a challenge. I suspect that AITS needs
a concept of federation/clustering that other AITS application architectures
may not yet have realized they also need.
Section 5, 6, 7
There appears to be redundancy and incompleteness in the organization of
sections 5, 6, and 7. Reorganize these three sections into one section,
perhaps called Status and Issues FAQ (which may not actually be part of
the reference architecture itself).
start with status (6.1.1.) if you want to.
the main thing is to retain and consolidate {Challenges, Issues, Open Questions,
Remaining Questions, and Holes} into one list instead of several overlapping
One does not always get the impression that this Issues Log is at all complete
or that its issues can always connect back to the architecture or some
specific architectural element. There should be a more detailed plan
on how to resolve each issue than is given here. Issues should use
an issues template {id-date-submitter, name, issue, alternatives, resolution}
or similar
Some odditites
Section 6.1.2 seems like a random selection of security and workflow as
topics to mention.
Section 6.3-6.7 - these sections seem a little randomly chosen and somewhat
Do you expect inputs from ITO for Configurable User Environments?
I'd think that AITS itself (the sum of BADD, I*3, ...) is aimed at information
Killer Apps seems a programmatic issue.
Distributed System Management is important but is likely to be solved by
the same approach as more generally ility insertion which also subsumes
There seem to be several commercial Distributed OO Development Tools, so
why is this here?
expand on the issues not so far expanded on since what is there is often
too terse
conclude the Issues Log with Priorities of Issues and Next Steps.
What issues are the true critical path issues that will make it or break
it for the architecture? these must be identified for FY98 work.
Section 8
the references section seems skewed. You should add
Vision 2010 including web address
ABIS web address
web sites for ISO AITS, ALP, Genoa, ...
web sites for ITO programs feeding into AITS
DISA and GCCS LES web sites
OMG OMA Reference Model and OMG web site
W3C, WfMC, IETF and similar web sites
and reduce to one reference (giving a web address if possible)
the work of Albus
the citations on DSSAs
it might be worthwhile annotating references so it is clear why they are
included in the RA References section