Proposal to DARPA ISO for OBJS to act as a Coordination Agent for DARPA-OMG-W3C
Technology Transition
Craig Thompson, Frank Manola
Object Services and Consulting, Inc.
{thompson, fmanola},
May 19, 1998
Our proposal
The attached white paper argues that DARPA's technology transition path
to industry can be improved if there is a more active interaction with
key industry standards development organizations (SDOs), principally the
Object Management Group and the World Wide Web Consortium. It argues that
an easy way to create an effective interaction is to install a coordination
agent responsible for fostering this interchange. It lays out criteria
for selecting such a coordination agent. We propose that Object
Services and Consulting (OBJS) provide DARPA with this coordination agent
on a provisional basis for one year. This will allow DARPA to assess whether
this process is of value and should be continued.
Who at OBJS would be involved (Qualifications)?
We propose that the following personnel be involved:
Frank Manola (70-90%) - resume:
Manola is a well-respected long-time researcher in the database and object
technology communities with many years of active contributions to SDOs.
He is active at OMG and is OBJS's representative to W3C. His well-respected
DARPA-funded work (in IC&V) over the last year has been to understand
W3C data modeling and OMG object modeling and propose a framework
for Web Object modeling consistent with both approaches <>.
This has required an in-depth understanding of both families of technology,
something that is rare at present. Manola is based in Boston, where OMG
and W3C are based.
Craig Thompson (10-30%) - resume:
Thompson is a co-author of the OMG Object Management Architecture (1991)
and has been continuously active in OMG since. He currently co-chairs the
OMG Internet SIG with Shel
Sutton (MITRE) and has been active in the last year on a Next
Generation OMA <>. He
organized the OMG-DARPA
Workshop on Compositional Software Architectures. He is PI on the
DARPA IC&V contract Scaling
Object Service Architectures to the Internet which has focused
on developing web-object integration architectures. He has connections
to key people on several SDOs that DARPA may be interested in. He is based
in Plano, Texas, near Dallas.
What we propose to do
T1. Develop and Execute DARPA SDO Technology Transition Plan and Status.
We will develop a presentation on SDOs and review it with selected
DARPA PMs in areas where technolog y transfer opportunities lie (long-term
planning and roadmaps, security, QoS, C4I, logistics, ...). We will work
with PMs to identify PIs with technology that might be ready for transition.
We will participate in OMG and W3C meetings, acting as an agent for DARPA
and voting for DARPA. We will keep PMs and PIs informed of OMG and W3C
activities in these overlap areas. We will work with PMs and PIs to showcase
or otherwise help to transition their technologies. This may involve an
active role in helping to transfer individual technologies. In addition,
we will also maintain close ties with other OMG members involved in DoD-related
activities (especially Mitre: Shel
Sutton <> is the technical representative;
Bhavani Thuraisingham <>
is the Business Representative. Others: Henry Rothkopf and Elizabeth Zeisler,
Eric Hughes.) Finally, we will continue in our role as co-chair to the
OMG Internet SIG.
T2. Participate in W3C as a Visiting Engineer focused on Web-Object
integration. The purpose of this activity is to actively engage in
W3C to build a strong liaison from within. The technical effort should
probably involve Web-Object modeling but possibly could also involve other
Web-Object integration work like the HTTP-NG project. Currently, W3C and
OMG have very little liaison with each other and neither is well connected
to DARPA. A full-time assignment, with a strong technical foundation and
a strong technology transition and liaison role would make the best connection.
T3. Other Activities as Appropriate. In the course of this assignment,
we expect to see other technology transition opportunities for DARPA, W3C,
and OMG and will get involved if it makes sense to the DARPA sponsor to
do so. For instance, this might involve organizing an OMG-W3C-DARPA workshop
on topics of mutual interest to DARPA and SDOs (agents, compositional architectures,
D1. DARPA SDO Technology Transition Plan and Status. This plan will
be a live web document accessible to DARPA that provides a mapping of SDO
activities and DARPA programs, providing objectives of technology transition
efforts and current status.
D2. SDO and DARPA PI Workshop Trip Reports. Web-accessible trip
reports will document SDO meetings and DARPA Workshops from the point of
view of technology transfer activities. [For reference, past OBJS
trip reports to OMG meetings are accessible at
but they did not focus on DARPA technology transfer opportunities nor were
they available to DARPA PMs and PIs except for Mills and Gunning.]
D3. Status Reports. Monthly and Semiannual Reports will document
Rough Cost Estimate
Rough Cost Estimate: $238,892 (negotiable). We assume a start
date of 1 October 1998 and a one person year term. If successful, the term
can be extended to additional years at DARPA option.
We assume a Cost Plus Fixed Fee contract
with a 7% fee. [An alternative to creating a separate contract is to add
money to the DARPA ICV/I*3 contract Scaling Object Service Architectures
to the Internet, DAAL01-95-C-0112, AO C366, which is currently due
to end on September 28, 1998. DARPA PMs: Kevin Mills and Dave Gunning).
DAAL01 is CPFF with a 7% fee.]
Labor. Both Manola and Thompson are senior architects at OBJS.
The rate for senior architects is $60.09/hour. Manola will be assigned
70-90% to this task and Thompson 10-30%. We assume 75% availability.
OH and G&A. OBJS OH rate is 95% and
G&A is 8%.
Kind of Travel |
# of trips
mtg fee
OMG trips |
1 person 5 days
W3C trips |
1 person 3 days
DARPA reviews and meetings |
1 person 1 day
DARPA program workshops |
1 person 3 days
Total Travel |
$22,526 |
DARPA Memberships in SDOs. OBJS is itself a member of
OMG ($2000) and W3C ($5000) paid for by overhead. DARPA should separately
become a member of both organizations with OBJS voting as agent for DARPA
where appropriate. DARPA membership costs will be OMG ($10,000) and W3C
($5,000). These membership fees are not included in the above
cost estimate.