OMG Internet Platform Special Interest Group
Preliminary Agenda for Meeting #15
The Wyndham Hotel
Salt Lake City, UT
February 9, 1997
Minutes will become OMG Document internet/98-02-01
see OMG Internet
Platform SIG homepage
Monday, February 9, 1998
9:00 - 10:00 Report on Workshop
on Compositional Software Architectures, Craig
Thompson, Object Services and Consulting
10:00 - 12:00 Brainstorming on OMG-Java Relationship (cont)
How can we make OMG more Java-friendly?
1:30 - 3:00 Brainstorming on Web + ORB Integration Architectures
What's the ideal web-ORB integration architecture? how will IDL
and XML talk?
3:00 - 5:00 Working Session on OTAM Facility
OTAM is a proposed information access common facility based loosely
on ISO FTAM . It consists of virtual file system that provides an interface
to a collection of physical file stores and database records. A Trader
stores the file and database schemas plus potentially more (e.g., data
conversions). This is an attempt to objectify file systems so CORBA can
operate on them. FTAM can be viewed as a file system adapter.