OMG Internet Platform Special Interest Group
November 15-16, 1999
Boston, MA
Monday, November 15, 1999
0900-1000 TALK/DISCUSSION: Policies, Procedures, Prototypes,
and Pilot Implementations (P4I) for Coalition Command, Control, Communications,
Computers and Intelligence (C4I) and Sustainment, Shel Sutton, MITRE
ABSTRACT. Major reductions in the threats to national securities,
resulting from the end of the cold war, are driving the militaries of the
industrialized nations to downsize, forcing an increasing reliance on coalitions
of forces in conflicts and in humanitarian pursuits. Successful coalition
operations rely on a sharing of information; sharing that may not be required
at all in other circumstances. Today, the information systems that
are used to manage sharable information may take months before they can
share information with their counterpart systems of other nations.
This document proposes a policy, procedures, prototype, and pilot implementation
(P4I) environment with a dedicated secretariat under the aegis of the Object
Management Group (OMG), an industry-based international specification development
organization dedicated to identifying and standardizing interoperability
solutions. The proposed environment will address the technical aspects
of information sharing among nations' information systems in the C4I and
sustainment environment. This environment is one that encourages
partnering across national boundaries in order to solve common problems,
while preserving the integrity of individual nations' policies, procedures,
customs, language, and software industry. Some of the problems that
can be addressed in the proposed P4I Environment include technical policy
and software architecture issues with regard to information security, computer
assisted cooperative work, and common views of the battlespace. This
proposal includes a novel approach to the financial aspects of the organization
that will assist small companies and academic organizations to contribute
in ways that would otherwise be impossible. Finally, this proposal
sets describes the next steps that must be undertaken to instantiate the
P4I environment, beginning with an international feasibility study that
must be performed before any other commitments are made by potential participants.
1000-1200 Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) Working Group,
Henry Rothkopf, MITRE
review CSCW Green Paper and CSCW Status
1300-1700 Agent
Working Group
Tuesday, November 16, 1999
*** WOIA and OTAM working groups are not scheduled to meet.