Agent Working Group
Draft Minutes
August 23-24, 1999
Co-chairs: "Stephen
McConnell, "Craig
Thompson, "James
Minutes: Craig Thompson
OMG Document internet/99-08-03
OMG Agent WG homepage:
Attendee List
Geoff Arnold - Sun Microsystems -
Pranab Baruah - Boeing -
Conrad Bock - Intellicorp -
John Butler - -
Andrea Capitanio - Telcordia Technologies -
Joe Chao - Hewlett-Packard -
Peter Fingar - EC Cubed -
Mark Gerhardt - TimeSys -
Richard Green - Detroit Edison -
Michael Hunt - OAO Technology Solutions -
Lewis Jardine - Cherwell Scientific -
Pekka Kahkipuro - -
Anatoli Krassavine - -
Toshiaki Kurokawa - CSK -
Jeffrey Kurtz - MITRE -
Heimo Laamanen - Sonera -
David Levine - International Business Machines -
Ta-nien Li - DSET -
Ross Lillie - Motorola -
Henry Lowe - Object Management Group -
Greg Mack - Booz, Allen & Hamilton -
Francis McCabe - Fujitsu -
Stephen McConnell - OSM -
John McKim - MITRE/Open Systems Center -
Brian Niebuhr - Network Associates -
James Odell - Intellicorp -
Stephen Olizarowicz - Raytheon -
Frank Olken - LBNL -
Todd Olson - Cerebellum Software -
Robert Pinto - ERIM International -
Kimmo Raatikainen - University of Helsinki -
Shridhar Rangarajan - -
Frank Riddick - NIST -
John Robert - Carnegie Mellon University -
Per Sandholm - Nokia -
Jon Sholberg - Boeing -
Jerome Soller - CogniTech -
Donald Steiner - Siemens AG -
Craig Thompson - Object Services and Consulting -
Liz Ungar - -
Arnold de Vos - ALSTOM ESCA -,
Katharine Whitehead - PeerLogic -
Desmond Wood - ISR Global Telecom -
FIPA Overview and Liaison, Francis
McCabe, Fujitsu
Francis is FIPA Liaison to OMG and OMG Liaison to FIPA. FIPA meets
FIPA has 50 companies working on agent standards. The standards
offer three things: public semantics for messages, models for building
agent platforms, and models for integrating agents with existing paradigms.
Specific standards are: abstract architecture for agent platforms,
ACL and ontology, agent management, message transport, integration with
non-agent systems, human agent interaction, mobility. See Attachment.
FIPA views OMG as threatening but many agent apps will happen in OMG
technologies. OMG views FIPA as AI nerds. But the two groups
also see values in working together. At the San Francisco FIPA meeting
last month, a main topic was to determine the form of submission to the
OMG Agent RFI. FIPA ACL supports beliefs, desire, intents (BDI) based
on speech act work. Based in predicate calculus. Ontologies
are just shared semantic models. No a priori requirement that
the agents themselves understand ACL BDI. Agents can return the Not
Understood message. Current ACL is string syntax, moving to more
abstract syntax. Agent management is register me and de-register
me. Directory Services. Message transport. Agent configuration
coming soon. Suggest OMG agent services RFP. A few basic ideas:
policy, domain, action, message, service.
FIPA Architecture TC Report, Francis McCabe,
FIPA was formerly too tied to strings in ACL and IIOP but was not interface
future-proofed so wanted a more abstract architecture. Reify the
abstract architecture into QoS, security, representation, APIs. Key
concepts: agent, agent platform, policy, domain, name, message, ontology,
and more. Agent is computational process that implements the autonomous
communication functionality of an application.
Agent platform is collection of services that provide an infrastructure
in which agent can be deployed. Platform services, standard services.
Deeper level of interoperability where agents understand how to register,
not just the interface. … defined terms like domain, speech act,
ontology, … Ontology reference in the message. Conversation
factory for creating conversation objects - pattern higher level than individual
agents. Will have CORBA and Java parts of the standards. Moving
to use UML to write down specs. In the abstract architecture there
is no IIOP. Today to insure interoperability, FIPA requires the use
of IIOP. But in future agents can specify their interop models.
Any inter-protocol bridge preserves the semantics.
Next FIPA meeting is in Kowasaki on 18-22 October 1999. See FIPA
web site FIPA meets for a week quarterly open to members
and submitters.
Another FIPA TC group is using sequence diagrams from UML to express behavior.
Shows series of UML plus extensions to represent agent communication.
N agents send CA communication act to M agents possibly with {constraints}.
Added in AND and synchronization point added to sequence points.
Also added parallelism. Wanted to have a way to specify protocols
(bundles or conversations or patterns). Shows initiator sending in
paper to be reviewed. Packaging. This is a variant to the state
machine approach but with agents you do not want to specify state, just
the observable interactions. Q: are these extensions just for agents.
No, for anyone needing to specify patterns.
Agent WG Green Paper Status, James Odell
The green
paper collects info on agent technology areas. The latest copy
is on the web at the Agent
WG homepage. Newest additions are sections on agents and objects
and an Agent
Glossary. Several people have promised sections for the next
Agents Profile RFP Status, James Odell
How do I build stuff and select a view or profile for my own needs.
On MOF is a UML, Data Warehouse, on top is a view or specialization into
it. For instance, a specialization. Select subset and subtype
and add "stereotypes" to it. We have four RFPs containing profile.
Should there be one for agents? Led to discussion but no conclusion.
Further work is being done on firming up the definition of "profile" by
the UML RTF. It is advised that we wait untiol that work is done.
Agent Technology RFI Response
Two meetings ago we issued the Agent
Technology RFI. We received the following responses.
FIPA Submission: Collection of Agent Standards,
Francis McCabe
OBJS Submission: Agent Grid, Craig Thompson, OBJS
Reference: Characterizing the Agent Grid, ec/99-07-01: HTML,
contact: Craig Thompson, OBJS
Description: The agent grid is targeted at agent and agent
system scalability and pervasiveness - it can be characterized as a suite
of standards or as an interoperability framework. Acknowledgments
to Brian Kettler (ISX) for several agent grid slides. Also described
GITI grid implementation based on Jini and OBJS extensions like WebTrader
and eGent. Critical issues raised in discussion: need to insure
agent grid is secure
Monad’s Agent RFI Response, Kimmo Raatikainen, U Helsinki
Reference: ec/99-07-02: PostScript,
Kimmo Raatikainen
Description: Focus is agents in mobile communications.
Must adapt to available resources. Need short term predictions of
available resources. For instance, if you go thru tunnel, you can
predict out of contact for 2 minutes and prepare to reconnect ASAP on the
other side. Need to have transparent object references that bind
to locations. Nomadic apps and many computers that person uses during
a time period.
Software radio. Mobile phones. When you subscribe to a
service later versions download in background.
Mobility, Nomadicity, Roaming requirements.
Shows arch diagram for storage services, brokering services, profile
management, knowledge services, security services, tracing services, communication
services, and management services.
Climate RFI Response, Kimmo Raatikainen, U Helsinki
Reference: ec/99-07-03: PostScript,
Kimmo Raatikainen
Description: Background on Climate, requirements, architecture,
experience. Climate is cluster of EU projects focused on agents in
telecom. For mobility, we need migration service, transport service
so ACL can be serialized, location transparency, some new UML needed, new
ideas on agent architecture and agent management. In agent systems
there are several levels of heterogeneity and need different ways to handle:
common semantics, common language, communication transport. FIPA
transport is preliminary stage. Agent management system must address
starting services, ending them, versioning, accounting, security.
How to replace any entity in runtime since systems must be up 24x7.
Currently, create new system and switch over. Q: is versioning
an agent specific requirement. No, these requirements are true of
objects too. Architecture proposed is basically similar to MASIF.
Went over changes to Migration Services, UML modeling, and location transparency.
NIST-SEI-ORNL RFI response, Architectural Evaluation
of Agent-Based Systems in Manufacturing, John Robert, SEI
Reference: ec/99-08-03: ASCII,
Joint Response: Neil Christopher and
Don Libes, NIST,
Barbacci, John Robert, and Steve
Woods, SEI,
Nenad Ivezic (contact)
and Tom Potok, ORNL. Background:
position paper supporting submission. ec/99-08-04: PostScript,
Description: New project in manufacturing area using looking
at how agent systems and system wide properties work together. Provider
methodology for evaluating COTS families of products for purposes (e.g.,
agents for manufacturing). Purpose not to evaluate specific products.
Not doing simulation or prototyping but ATAM (architecture) and testbed.
Looking at reusable architecture patterns. Platform is an implementation
level and standards question. Implementation is design choices within
a system. Especial interest is mapping architecture bullets to system
wide qualities. Provide iterative methodology and process.
Toshiba Agent RFI Response, Takahiro Kawamura, Toshiba
Reference: ec/99-07-06: ZIP
archive - zip file containing the complete response in one package
Bee-gent : Bonding and Encapsulation Enhancement Agent Framework for Development
of Distributed Systems - part 1, ec/99-07-04: PostScript,
Extensions of Agent Management Support for Mobility - part 2, ec/99-07-05:
Description: not presented at meeting
Plangent - An intelligent Mobile Agent System, Masanori
Hattori, Toshiba
Reference: another Toshiba Agent RFI Response, ec/99-07-08:
Abstract of the second Toshiba response against the Agent RFI, ec/99-07-09:
Description: not presented at meeting
Discussion related to RFI and Possible RFPs
Next main steps for the group: a family of RFPs/specs that sum to
provide agent technology. And should there be an agent TF or work
through an existing group. Separate these issues, focus on the first
one. The following RFPs were suggested as possibilites during the next
Architecture for platform services based on FIPA architecture (it was suggested
that this could be done as a profile on CORBA interfaces and services.)
UML profile for agent platforms and agent systems
Object and agent mobility
Object and agent persistence
Configuration including version control (e.g., interfaces, platforms),
lifecycle management, and monitoring (remote debugging, remote control)
Agent security
Agent policies and contracts
CORBA-specific content language profile—and maybe ACL
Presentation: Domain Brokerage Headsup,
Steve McConnell
Steve briefed us on this RFP. It's an extension of EC domain specs.
Notions are caabilities, registration and mediated discovery, collectively
referred to as a brokerage. Involves disclosure constraints on broker
- disclosure identity constraints (assassin), legal constraints (terms
and conditions), deployment descriptor, activation conditions. Computational
viewpoints: registry viewpoint (supply or demand). Directory
I/F is for querying. Organizational viewpoint: an agency that
aggregates registry and directory. Discussion: another kind
of brokerage is a travel agent where the broker takes on the responsibility
to delegate and get the service done (by others). Very close to agent
directory facilitator. Brokerage can have policy on types of services
that can register. This in some ways is similar to extending the
trader with additional specializations.
RE: Letter from FIPA
sent by Leonardo Chiariglione to on
Tue, 03 Aug 1999 22:41:15
Agent Technology Desk
Object Management Group Inc.
Framingham Corporate Center
492 Old Connecticut Path
Framingham, MA 01701-4568
Torino, 03/08/99
Dear Sirs,
FIPA, the Foundation for Intelligent Physical
Agents, welcomes OMG's
interest in agent technology. FIPA has been working to
develop and promote
standardization in the area of agent interoperability
since 1996. FIPA has
an on-going work programme, meeting around the globe
on a quarterly basis,
with excess of 50 member organisations. With 3.5 years
of existence and the
extensive specifications produced (see,
we believe
FIPA is the reference organisation in intelligent agents.
OMG has an
important role in creating the link between the OMG and
FIPA agents.
Considering the potential synergy of interests
regarding agents, it is
proposed that FIPA and OMG discuss formal mechanisms
whereby the two
standardisation efforts become concordant.
In support of this and considering the OMG RFI,
FIPA recommends that the OMG
consider the specifications that have been developed
by FIPA as a background
to OMG's possible future standardization efforts.
While FIPA's work is very much work in progress,
a number of significant
documents have been produced that may be of interest
to the OMG's work:
1. The Agent communication language.
This details the syntax and semantics of a high-level
agent communication
language that is based on speech acts. A primary benefit
of employing this
language is that the semantics of communication can be
preserved in an open
2. Agent/software integration
This specification details a standard way in
which non-agent based software
can be integrated into a FIPA agent platform.
3. Agent Management
This specification, which also draws on http://www.fipa.og/spec/f8a21.doc,
outlines the necessary specifications needed for managing
agents on an agent
platform. A point of particular interest to the OMG is
the mandatory use of
IIOP as the baseline transport protocol. It is envisaged
that other
transport protocols may be standardised to meet specific
needs e.g. for
wireless applications.
4. Human/agent interaction
This details models for integrating agents with
human participation.
5. Agent mobility
This details various models and protocols to
support agent mobility between
agent platforms.
6. Ontology services
This details specifications for managing ontology
services and ontology
models in a consistent and open framework.
7. Agent naming
* http://www/
This specification, which is not yet officially
adopted by FIPA, outlines
models for consistent naming of agents.
8. Message transport
This specification, which is not yet officially
adopted by FIPA,outlines the
requirements and specifications of messaging services
between agents and
between agent platforms.
In addition, we recommend that OMG seriously
Many of the questions in the OMG RFI are being
addressed in this FIPA
Architecture Overview document; however, this is work
in progress and may
change significantly in the coming months.
More generally, FIPA welcomes visitors to it's
web pages at,
and the mirror sites in Japan
and the USA
FIPA implementations are currently pre-commercial,
but there are in excess
of 10 frameworks under development.
We hope this information will be of use to the
OMG and its membership, and
contribute to the future success of the agent paradigm.
OMG members wishing
to participate in a FIPA meeting will be welcome and
should contact the FIPA
Secretariat Teresa Marsico ( in
the first instance.
FIPA Board of Directors