DAVID WELLS (wells@objs.com),
OBJS Vice President, is head of software research. Wells received
his D. Eng. degree in Computer Science from the University of
Wisconsin--Milwaukee in 1980. He was Assistant Professor in the
Computer Science Department at Southern Methodist University from
1980 to 1986 where he conducted research in databases, computer
security, and computer graphics. He joined Texas Instruments in
1986 and until 1995 was principal software architect and Co-Principal
Investigator for the DARPA Open OODB, which was deployed at 25
government approved alpha sites and is currently licensable as
a research product from TI. Wells developed the open systems principles
and mechanisms that make Open OODB extensible by third parties.
The Open OODB meta architecture served as one of the bases for
the Object Management Group's (OMG) Object Services Architecture,
which has been adopted by over 500 computer vendors and object-oriented
software companies as the basis for developing interoperable systems.
Wells is experienced in leading large research and development
projects, having been PI of 4 research contracts with total funding
of $10.7M dollars. He holds 3 patents and 2 patent applications
in the areas of database software techniques and data security,
has authored 5 journal articles, 12 conference proceedings, and
24 invited external presentations and panels. He is reviewer for
the National Science Foundation Scientific Databases Initiative,
the State of Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, and various
journals and conferences including the International Conferences
on Very Large Databases, the VLDB Journal, ACM Transactions on
Databases, IEEE Computer, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
and SIGMOD Conferences.
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