A Programming Language Perspective to Compositional Software Architectures
Amr Sabry
Department of Computer and Information Science
University of Oregon
1. Programming Language Research
Programming language research spans many areas, several of which are immediately
relevant to the field of compositional software architectures:
Type Systems are key components of compositional software. Not only
do they provide a language in which to specify the interfaces of individual
components, but they also provide an algorithm for checking that an implementation
matches an interface, and even better that an application assembled from
a collection of components is globally consistent. Recent research in type
systems uses a richer notion of type that includes information about the
dynamic behavior of the components. Such type systems can be used to guarantee
properties of software architectures like freedom of deadlock, locality
of dynamically allocated memory, and system-wide bounds on quality of service
Compiler Optimizations provide a powerful technology for producing
efficient applications from a collection of reusable components. The tension
between re-usability and efficiency is clear. One one hand, in order to
maximize the re-usability of components, one is tempted to provide the
most generic interface possible. On the other hand, the performance of
an application assembled from completely generic components is likely to
be poor. The solution is to use optimizations techniques, like partial
evaluation, to specialize the generic components at link time.
Structuring Programs has always been an active area of research.
A simple, effective, and established technique has been to recognize common
programming patterns in a specific domain and abstract them using a higher-order
combinator or meta-construct. More recently, there has been significant
work in ways of structuring programs that not only combine the ability
to assemble applications from reusable blocks, but also separate the code
that implements the logical aspects of the system from the code that implements
the QoS requirements [4].
The remainder of this paper expands on each of the above ideas in some
2. Types
There is a wealth of proposals that use types to verify and hence guarantee
properties of systems assembled from reusable components. We briefly describe
two such ideas:
Detecting Deadlocks. Typically, reusable components make implicit
assumptions about their behavioral interaction with other components. Such
implicit assumptions cannot be formally checked at link time, and may cause
errors such as deadlocks. To avoid such errors, the types can be enriched
to include information that can be used to guarantee the absence of deadlocks
[2, 3]. In our approach, we have extended the types with size information
that gives bounds on the sizes of the data structures. These sizes can
be used to guarantee the absence of deadlocks by verifying that every recursive
procedure makes progress, i.e., increases the size of the data structure
it is processing by one each time around the loop.
Locality of Memory References. Many applications require that memory
references from one component do not attempt to access the local memory
of another component. For example, operating systems segmentation checks
guarantee this property for security reasons. Mobile code on the Internet
would have to obey similar restrictions. Also, concurrent systems are easier
to implement if property program fragments do not interfere via shared
locations. Again such properties cannot usually be checked when assembling
applications from reusable components, but we have developed an extended
type system that maintains information about memory regions, and uses this
information to prevent programs from exporting local pointers, and from
reading or writing pointers allocated from another region [5]. To give
some ideas of the accuracy achieved by this mechanism it is worth noting
that it is quite feasible to have one component manipulate locations belonging
to another quite component, as long as no attempt is made to dereference
these other locations. Under these conditions, the host could build and
traverse a graph containing the foreign locations, perhaps duplicate or
discard the locations, or build them into data structures, eventually to
be returned, presumably, to the owning component for it to dereference
at will. Through all this the type system is able to track that the components
do not interfere with each other.
3. Compiler Optimizations
Partial evaluation is a source-to-source program transformation technique
for specializing programs with respect to parts of their input. It can
be used effectively in the domain of compositional software architectures
to specialize generic reusable components to their particular use cases.
There has been several such experiments for optimizing protocol stacks
[1, 7], operating system kernels [8], etc. The basic idea of partial evaluation
is rather simple. Consider the following example from the XDR protocol
bool_t xdr_int (XDR *xdrs, int *ip)
if (sizeof(int) == sizeof(long))
return xdr_long(xdrs, (long *)ip);
return xdr_short(xdrs, (short *)ip);
The program encodes an integer for transmission on the network. The encoding
naturally depends on the machine integer size. Since the type of machine
is typically known early in the process, such code is amenable to
partial evaluation. If the size of an integer is short, the residual optimized
code would be:
bool_t xdr_int (XDR *xdrs, int *ip)
return xdr_short(xdrs, (short *)ip);
4. Structuring Programs
We present two ideas about patterns that appear most relevant.
Monads. Consider a generic program component for traversing a tree.
Larger contexts that use this component might need to perform several computational
effects while traversing the tree. For example, we might want to raise
exceptions in some situations, or collect some information in a global
variable, or backtrack and explore a different branch, or remember milestones
and restart the traversal at an earlier milestone, etc. The variations
are endless and writing one component that can be effectively reused is
a challenging task.
Fortunately, monadic style is a programming pattern, originating from
category theory [6], that uses a higher-order combinator to compose computations.
Thus instead of writing:
f(); g()
one would write:
f() -> g()
where the arrow -> is an operator that glues the two computations
together using special code. In the simplest cases, the glue code does
not perform anything interesting and is essentially like the ;.
However in more interesting cases, the glue code might catch any exception
raised during the first computation and perform a number of actions. Thus
in our example, all we need is to parameterize the tree traversal component
by the monad, substituting different monads in different contexts of reuse.
Meta-Programming. An even more general technique is to provide meta
or reflective facilities. For example, consider a library of reusable filters
to be used in the context of image processing. Each filter takes an image,
performs some elementary operation, and produces a resulting image. By
appropriately composing these filters, one can express sophisticated image
processing operations. The problem is that such a program will have unacceptably
high memory use, producing a number of intermediate images at each stage.
Although automated techniques might help, a general solution to this problem
requires some programmer intervention. The challenge is to express the
additional code in a disciplined way without tangling the original code.
One elegant solution [4] is to provide an additional meta-programming
language in which the programmer can express algorithms to manipulate the
original program. If written at an appropriate level of abstraction, these
algorithms are concise and clear. For example, in order to express that
two filters should be fused into one to avoid the generation of an intermediate
image, the programmer might write:
if ((isFilter p1) && (isFilter p2)) { p = makeFilter (p1,
p2); }
The above code is compiled and then executed to manipulate the original
program. The net effect is to produce an efficient image processing operation
with clean composable generic filters.
5. Conclusion
We have covered three ideas from programming language research that are
useful in the context of compositional software architectures. At the lowest
level, type systems might be able to verify some properties but are generally
too weak to verify all properties of interest. Program analysis techniques
can help in this latter case by automatically rewriting the code to customize
the reusable components to their current use. Finally when automatic techniques
fail, programmer intervention is supported in a disciplined way using monads
and meta-programming. The examples we have chosen are necessarily small
but the ideas scale to the large scale integration of components.
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[2] John Hughes, Lars Pareto, and Amr Sabry. Proving the Correctness
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[3] Paola Inverardi, Alexander L. Wolf, and Daniel Yankelevich. Checking
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[4] Gregor Kiczales, John Lamping, Anurag Mendhekar, Chris Maeda, Cristina
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Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Technical Report, February 97, SPL97-008
[5] John Launchbury and Amr Sabry. Monadic State: Axiomatization and
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[6] Eugenio Moggi. Computational Lambda-Calculus and Monads. In the
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[7] Gilles Muller, Eugen-Nicolae Volanschi, and Renaud Marlet. Scaling
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[8] C. Pu et al.. Optimistic Incremental Specialization: Streamlining
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