Workshop on Compositional Software Architectures
Topics Index
Version 0.2 - January 15, 1998
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Program] - [Participants]
- [Workshop
Bibliography] - [Index
of Topics] - [Glossary]
When reading the position papers for the Workshop
on Compositional Software Architectures, I attempted to take pretty
minimal keyword-oriented notes on the topics covered. The following
is a poor-man's index which provides a shape to the space of software component
composition and related topics modulo these caveats:
Caveat #1: the numbers following topics are position paper
numbers. They are probably a poor guide for which papers cover which
topics for several reasons: (a) they are incomplete so more papers
may cover a topic than are listed, (b) transcription from position paper
to keywork to index lost information resulting in some papers being miscategorized,
(c) the category scheme could use more work, and (d) errors inevitably
creep in.
Caveat #2: It is worth pointing out the obvious -- workshop
papers only begin to reflect the work of workshop participants and hardly
reflect the work of others not participating in the workshop.
Nevertheless, I hope the index of topics is somewhat useful.
If workshop participants want to send corrections or additions (especially
from the point of view of their paper), please do so. If someone
wants to volunteer to co-edit this document, please let me know.
The preferred format for sending revisions is:
address email to
subject "INDEX - paper XXX" where XXX is optionally your paper number
the body of the message should be an html copy of this document with color-coded
markup showing the changes
If many workshop attendees do this, the index will become considerably
more complete.
Defining the Problem and Solution
Workshop Communities
OMG, W3C, DARPA, dbworld, seworld
research, industry/products, defense, standards
Application Areas
architecture analogy - buildings, bridges, building
codes, …
human analogy - nervous system, immune system, digestive
system, … 3
human analogy - marriage, family, work, school, church,
teams, ...
organizational analogy - hierarchical, matrix, virtual
enterprise 3, cross enterprise, virtual office, span organization boundary
internets, intranets, extranets, virtual private
C4ISR 51, 53, 68, 69, 7185, 88
logistics - material 40, information, software 27
electronic commerce 4, 77, payment
global transportation networks 6
electric utility grids 97
engineering design 20
telco 10, 35, TINA 33
semiconductor and manufacturing 3, 13
healthcare 31,32
public administration
wireless 3
separation in time and/or space
collaboratories 75
multimedia 10
simulation 83, 85, HLA
workflow 43
Vision/Motivation 17, 25, 58, 82
the problem
huge investments in legacy monolithic stovepipe systems
that cannot interoperate and are expensive to maintain and inflexible
economy for component software is slow to materialize
software that functionally solves the problem, performs
as needed, but is more configurable, adaptable, maintainable, evolvable,
survivable, affordable, ... (see ilities)
architecture-driven engineering
accelerate economy of components
approach: component software
megaprogramming 63, programming in the large 7
system of systems 2, 95
implies heterogeneity
architecture driven design 6
productivity 9 via reuse
preserve investment in legacy code, move to open
systems 88, 95, 106, continue to evolve 57, meet changing business needs
rapid application development, component assembly
understandability, maintainability, affordability,
reliability, trust, simplify training
best of breed 54, plug-and-play, mix and match
avoid reliance on single smart individual or company
alternatives to component approach - TBD
Barriers, Roadblocks
to reuse 12, assumptions limiting reuse 27,
design for reuse requires thinking
expense to retrofit, difficult to predict 71
rogue components 84
large footprint 17
distributed systems are less secure
IDL mappings create complexity, harden boundaries
need library, not executables 71
too much knowledge required, complexity
choice of infrastructure foundation as irrevocable
legacy constraints on solution
component compatibility 57
closed DBMS, compiler, workflow, ... don't provide
enough hooks for application extension or for ilities
middleware infrastructure required - how much, how
monolithic middleware 61 - are services portable
across ORB vendors? nyet
limitations of DCOM, CORBA 17, 69, 74, 78
economy of components, tech transfer 4, 17, 55, 100
component marketplace 7
market sizes
middleware marketplace
much smaller than overall component market place
prerequisite for component market place
should be viewed as underware 61 (hidden from view)
ISSUE: will O/S absorb middleware?
communities of interest 9
vendor viewpoint
how to build competitive advantage
what constitutes (un)fair competitive advantage?
customer viewpoint
RAD, business process improvements
how to preserve investment
usability, stability, functionality
decrease and amortize cost 2, always prefer pay me
later to pay me now, want no discontinuiies
does customer want dozens of different models to
choose from and a price ladder or just a few distinct models to pick from
(analogy with GM vs the competition)
5-10 components versus 1000s, pre-assembled systems
versus toolkits
winning the architecture wars
does marketplace favor one dominant vendor, many
middle tier vendors, millions of micro vendors
is there an analogy to many varieties of Unix fragmenting
the Unix markeplace
is there an analogy to many varieties of object model
forcing application builders to select one, which then locks in many or
most other choices and also obsoletes the technology when that object model
falls from favor?
is there a danger with so few independent ORB vendors?
will ORBs be subsumed into operating systems like
is OMG behind in component models? how can it become
more Java friendly?
is a consistent architecture needed for component
composition, complete with standards like OMG services - if so, is there
an 80% solution that most will adopt? Can it be grown to a 95% solution
with openness addons?
what are roadblocks and new ideas to make component
marketplace take off
house built on sand, what is preserved and for how
how much should a component cost
certification, level of assurance
component catalogs, search engines 27
Lessons Learned 51, 68, 69, 71, 78
IDL2Java mapping not too seamless 67
fractals - progressively more detail
can't use commercial services, can't extend 71
third party services
peserve investment via modeling 31
Architecture Challenge Problems
integrating web and DBMS 38, 88
integrating web and ORBs 38, 103
validation: can you construct an OODB (or workflow
engine) from components/services like persistence, transactions, queries
set up ski trip - pool of providers, negotiation,
survivability of component software 14
Technical Approaches
Architecture 7, 17, 68
key concepts
connections, wiring 39
constraints, design principles, building codes
cast as problem solving
requirements 7
system of systems 2
architectural principles and ilities -- see ilities
architectural styles 6, 106
design patterns 80, 95, 100
aspect-oriented programming 43, 46
foundations 13, 50, 52, 61, 64, 91
reference architecture
technical architecture
application architecture
domain specific software architecture (DSSA)
ORBS and object service architectures 17
architecture modeling 106, see Component Model
architecture description languages (ADL) 80, 84,
systems mentioned: Rapide 6, ACME 6
state machine modeling
from pattern to reference architecture to components
to services 69
operations on architectures
decomposition, deconstruct operator 42
composing two heterogeneous architectures (e.g.,
web and ORB)
subsetting an architecture
customization 71
instances of a general architecture 95
if FW1 = FW2 except they vary wrt service X then
are they interoperable modulo service X?
replication of components
locating gaps
locating stress points
deploying 63
templates 80, unification
framework for multi-level software engineering
architecture alignment and mismatch
ISSUE: initial architecture clean, warts appear during
evolution. fractal analogy - as time passes, entities always accrete
more detail, new aspects
ISSUE: OMG does not have a standard way to
specify connections and constraints tho the current Component Model RFP
submissions address connections
Standards of interest
OMG 17
ActiveX, DCOM+, ...
Open Software Description 63
Desktop Management Task Force 63
Object Modeling 53
ontology 68
prototypes 40
encapsulation prevents mix-and-match 37, fishnet
lets apps bind to the level of abstration they need 74
inheritance does not scale 8
delegation 66
reflection 64, 66
UML 231
web object model 22, 32, 38
actors, multi agent 4, 10, 17, 23, 40, 56, 63, 82
objects versus agents, autonomous
oo interaction protocols 43
Taxonomy of Components
application-specific frameworks
vertical domain-specific application-generic components
OMG domains like GIS, transportation, manufacturing,
electronic commerce, telcos, ...
CIM framework
business services like order entry, customer service
ISSUE: criteria for partitioning domain spaces,
horizontal middleware components
horizontal frameworks, common facilities
GUI frameworks
Business Object Frameworks
horizontal services
existing OMG services
currently missing OMG services
triggers as extensions to event service w filtering
added 33, 71, 97
version, CM 69, 91, 97
caching, memoizing 68, 91
replication 34, 65, 81
publish-and-subscribe 30, 68, announce-listen 82,
notification 33
objects-web 69, 103
situation model 69
map service 68
planning services 68, 71
scheduling services
simulation services
meta components - component infrastructure
interface repository
event and interceptors, rules service, pre and post
conditions, see intermediaries
component models, see Component Model and
ilities - see ilities
ISSUE: what is the basis for this taxonomy?
what does it include, exclude, preclude, explain, not explain? does
every piece of software fit? OA&D, compilers, ...? compound document
frameworks like OpenDoc 39
Component Model, Representing Components 7,
17, 18, 23, 66
define (and differentiate) 12, 69
class library
component, brick 3
framework 4, 95
common facility
methodology: from pattern to reference architecture
to components to services 69
concepts and properties of component
granularity 35
small number of large components versus large number
of small components
GUI button - framework - spreadsheet - legacy app
legacy components as large black boxes
abstraction layer, isolation, separation of concerns,
aspects, orthogonal, independence, scope 43, 80, 91, 95, 102
visibility - limited 7, opaque 84
black, translucent, white box components 39
hide unnecessary complexity 9
hide methods and private aspects you don't want user
to be aware of using IDL 67
separate application logic from ilities, business
rules, middleware concerns
application-transparent X where X = {security, reliability,
survivability, ...}, X-unaware 80
hidden dependencies 13
breaking encapsulation
encapsulation prevents mix-and-match by hiding composition
fishnet lets apps bind to the level of internal interface
abstraction they need 74
drill down thru abstraction layers 59
components manage their own storage, don't assume
different components will execute in the same address space, no co-location
exploitation 7, 42
services are stateless
views 37, 38, 69
multiple interfaces
layered architecture 80
boundary 36
packaging 13
interfaces, types, 42, reduction of surface area
binding 7, 23, 66
binding time - static versus dynamic, dynamically
reconfigurable 49, 66, 68, 82
loose versus tight coupling 33
early 30 versus late
broker, marchmaker, trader 25, 41, negotiation 25,
77, auction 77, alliance 43, discovery 82
mismatch analysis
type broker 55
mediator 97
wrapper 51, 65
roles 23, 30, 66, 84
control - who can bind in new components?
component developer, component-based application
developer, end user, security expert, system management expert, configuration
control expert, network provider, dbms provider
avoid making programmer expert in application and
vertical technology 9
context 23
metadata 56
introspection 25
substitutability 7
customization, specialization 71
many instantiations 7
component-based software must be programming language
independent 8
component as COTS
component representations
module interconnect formalism 30, 37, 50, 66, 71,
74, 78
what architectural attributes to record? 10, 84
design record
specification 25
features mismatch 51
meta model 8
relationship to MOP 88, OA&D, MOF, CBO?
containment model 8
components and connectors 7, 23, 30109
reified relationships/roles/connectors
floor interfaces
dependency graph, topology 63
wrappers 65, 66
GUI interface 30
component composition 17
glue code
written by hand versus generated 7
scripting 12, 57, 51, 70, 78
Python 70
service composition 17, 102, 103
serial, parallel, compositional 36
via meta-level architecture( hierarchies) 38
floor interfaces
layers - is this idea useful? 7, 10
inheritance versus delegation 67
ORBs + populated set of services don't explain but
don't preclude connecting up services in multiple ways.
component acquisition/discovery
no best scheme in factoring
component model exposes versus encapsulation hides
issue: satisfying architecture constraints
- do component models address how to do this?
issue: representing patterns of interaction
partial evaluation 42
architectural principles
OMG has a list of these - see OMG Object Services
Architecture or any OMG RFP
architecture properties, Ilities 17, 30, 37,
39, 40, 64, 80, 82, 95, 103, 106
meta-architecture 81
non-functional requirements, aka generalized QoS
design for -ility
consistent, complete, gaps?
ility pattern
separate application logic from ilities 80, 95
specific ilities
performance 38
affordability 31, 59
simplicity 46, managing complexity
availability 106
fault tolerant 88
scalability 17, 27, 33, 82, 103
by federation 17, 41, 77, service replication 39,
upwards, downwards 38
distribution transparency 38
evolvability 25, 37, continuous evolution
adaptable 49, 88
security 36, 76, 82, 84
trust 84
high confidence 82
information assurance
survivability 9, 14
mobility 106
QoS 10, 81, 88, 99
uses as a general synonym for -ility
used in the narrower bandwidth-aware sense 68, 69
system monitoring 88
system management, administration 35
safety 15
real-time 34, 37, 46, 59, 88, soft or hard
managing inconsistency 69
ility infrastructure
QoS specifications 42
bus architecture 91
add or control ilities via communication path, connectors,
abstraction layer -- see Intermediaries
resource management 23, 81
scheduling, time synchronization 99
control 41
de-centralized 39, 40, 52
autonomous 58
coordinator 76
policy 23, 25, 63, 69, 81, 84, 99
enforcement 84, guardian 37, 76
run-time 23
composition or preservation of ilities
end-to-end composition 36, 84
top-to-bottom composition
X-unaware vs. X-aware components
bandwidth aware or unaware
security unaware 80
different definitions
unplanned reuse
components are interoperable if they can interoperate
components are interoperable if they satisfy the
replacement test
component model interoperability: CORBA, ActiveX,
Java Beans
COM, CORBA, Bridge 53
bidirectional mapping 53
are all ilities the same complexity and handled by
insertion into communication paths? 46
ility tradeoffs 37, composing multiple ilities 23
optimization versus modularity 25, 106, 42
binary compatibility
Intermediaries 30, 46, 66, 82, 84, 95, 102,
103, 109
problem to avoid: calls to ilities interspesed
in code 95
technical ideas
interpose 66
event and interceptors, rules service 101, pre and
post conditions filters 33
bidirectional mapping 53
model-view-controller without a GUI as two abstractions
interact via an intermediary object
guards - the request must go through the middle
layer 3
middleman, trusted third party, certificates 82
DCOM+ interceptor 34, 98, CORBA security interceptor
IDL2Java mapping 67
web proxy intermediaries 102, 103, PEP 4, 102, 103
place ilities in communication paths
monitor 2
debug 2
Web 6, 17, 56, 102, 103
web of trust
web-ORB integration 38, 88, 103
web object model 22, 32, 69
ORBs 17
services not tied to a particular ORB 3
lightweight ORB 20, 38
underspecified 69
ActiveX, DCOM
architecture modeling tools 91
architecture interchange formats 6
infrastructure for components
GC 15
deployment 25
failures 46
debug 38, 58, 97
monitor 97, audit trail 97 - capture, record, display,
test automation fw
communication flow, dependency analysis 2
failure propagation, fault injection 2
impact analysis 2
conformance 13
component catalog, repository, search engine 27
visual component assembly tool 8, 10, 38, 39
toolkits 51