H7 (Object Information Management) is a Technical Committee of the NationalCommittee for Information Technology Standards (NCITS), and was establishedas X3H7 in April 1992. The project proposal to the X3 (now NCITS) OperationalManagement Committee (OMC) described a program of work for X3H7 as follows:
The overall goal of H7 is a coherent approach to information managementstandards fostering consistent use of the object paradigm in various "businessand technology domains" (programming languages, database, user interfaces,operating systems, distributed systems, object analysis and design, enterprisemodeling and information modeling, ...)
H7 has liaison relationships and/or cross-membership with such groupsas the Object Management Group, otherNCITS technical committees such as T3 (Open Distributed Processing) andH2 (Database), and othergroups related to object standards.
As part of its work, H7 has collected information on the object modelsused in a number of object-oriented languages and specifications. H7 hasorganized this material in the form of a matrix, allowing the featuresof these object models to be compared and contrasted. The features matrixmay be accessed in the following formats:
Doc. No.: X3H7-93-007v12b
Doc. Date: May 25, 1997
a PDF version will appear shortly
Comments on the features matrix may be sent to:
Frank Manola (Editor), fmanola@objs.com
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